
Monday, March 11, 2013

Fortress of Mist By Sigmund Brouwer Book Review

Fortress of Mist, Merlin's Immortals Series #2
// F o r t r e s s    o f    M i s t  // 
B y    S i g m u n d    B r o u w e r
M e r l i n ' s    I m m o r t a l s    S e r i e s
B o o k  # 2

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Title: Fortress Of Mist
Author: Sigmund Brouwer
Source: Review Book
Number of Pages: 224
ISBN: 9781400071555
Publisher: WaterBrook Press
Publication Date: 2013
My Rating: 1 out of 5 Stars

Description (Taken From

“Full of surprising twists, shocking betrays, and baffling mysteries. But at it’s heart it’s about courage, wisdom, and hope…”—Robert Liparulo, author of The 13th Tribe, The Judgment Stone, and the Dreamhouse Kings series. The throne is redeemed, but the battle is just beginning.

In the dark corners of an ancient land, evil lurks in the shadows. Powerful druids haunt the spaces of their lost territory. Double-minded noblemen fight for domain and influence. Invaders from the north threaten the kingdom of Magnus. This land of promise and redemption is mired in deceit and corruption.

The Orphan King, once victorious in conquest, appears to be losing his grip on his seat of power. Thomas rules Magnus, but does not know whom he can trust. His enemies anticipate his every move, thwarting him at each turn. Something is not right.

Under attack, both in the supernatural and natural worlds, Thomas must reach back into the secret layers of his past to find the strength and wisdom to fight his battles. When the mist clears, who will stand with him?"

Madi's Review ::
My first thought after finishing this book was "Well, I'm glad that's over."

It usually takes me about a day to read a book of this length, and it took me EIGHT. This book was a hot mess. Everything good about it was totally demolished in the end! And in all honestly it didn't have a lot going for it to begin with it.

Basically Thomas is just trying to keep his castle. He makes friends and foes (mostly foes), and in the end, none of it matters. It was just a long and drawn out way of saying "these people are dangerous, but I don't care". That's about what I got from it. His two romantic interest turns out to be the same person, and, surprise surprise, the deformed girl isn't deformed. There were no plot twist, every little detail was handed to me on a silver platter. 

I wish I had something nice to say about this book, but I just can't think of anything. There wasn't even a happy ending! It ended with Thomas banishing Katherine. 

Now, just because I didn't like it, doesn't mean that everyone would feel that way. I get the feeling that my little brother would love this book. It doesn't require a lot of thinking or use of the imagination, and it has a few battle scenes (not well staged battle scenes, but they were there). It didn't offer a lot of suspense or intrigue, but it would make a decent children's book.

*Disclaimer*I received this book from Waterbrook Publishers and all thoughts were one hundred percent completely my own. I was not paid to do this review.

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