
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Adoring Addie By Leslie Gould Book Review

Adoring Addie (The Courtships of Lancaster County #2)/ / A d o r i n g   A d d i e / /
// C o u r t s h i p   o f   L a n c a s t e r   C o u n t y   # 2//

// B y    L e s l i e    G o u l d //

{ R e v i e w   B y   M a d i }

Title: Adoring Addie
Author: Leslie Gould
Source: Review Book
Number Of Pages: 341
ISBN: 9780764210327
Publisher: Bethany House
Publication Date: 2013
My Rating: 3 Out Of 5 Stars

/ / B o o k   D e s c r i p t i o n / /
W"hen Addie Cramer’s mutter and daed decide Phillip Eicher is the man for her to marry, they claim she must honor them by obeying their wishes. But then she falls in love with Jonathan Mosier–part of the family with whom the Cramers have a long-held grudge.
With the help of others in her community who long to see the quarrel healed, Jonathan and Addie struggle to continue their relationship against both sets of parents’ wishes. But when one of Addie’s vengeful brothers harms a member of the Mosier family, Jonathan intervenes and is banished from Lancaster County.
A distraught Addie determines to find the true reason for the grudge between the two families, hoping to tear down the animosity of the past. Can their love for each other bridge the divide between their families? Or are they destined to remain apart forever?"
/ / M a d i ' s   B o o k   R e v i e w / /
I'm not gonna lie, I was a little disappointed in this book. After reading Courting Cate (the first book in "The Courtships Of Lancaster County" series), I was expecting more. For the first hundred pages or so, nothing happened. Addie didn't meet anyone new, she wasn't getting to know her fiancé, there was no back story on any of the other characters, nothing. Even after I finished the book I still didn't feel like the author had endeared Jonathan to me. I just kind of felt like this book was written in a rush.
Addie has been stuck at home her entire life with very few chances to socialize outside of her family. She is guarded and sheltered, so when her parents arrange her marriage to a young man named Phillip, she doesn't put up much of a fuss. And then she meets Jonathon Mosier. Addie and Jonathon's families have been at each other for years, and now the only thing that these two young people know is that the age old argument is keeping them apart.
I did like how this was kind of a "Romeo and Juliet" spin-off, but I also think that the author could have done so much more with this story.
/ / P r o s / /
  •  I really liked the names of the main characters. Addie is sweet and original, and Jonathan is strong a biblical.
  • I really love spin-offs of old stories and fairy tales. This one kind of resembled William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet in the plot. There was even the "death" scene in the end. You know, minus the death. It's hard to explain.
  • This is Amish Fiction, and I LOVE Amish Fiction.
/ / C o n s / /
  • There really wasn't going on in the beginning of the book. I think that some slow readers might get exasperated with it and put it back on the shelf.
  • When things DID start to happen, they happened at a ridiculously fast pace. The very first time Jonathan and Addie met, they decided they were in love and were going to end up married. How can you even love someone that you know nothing about?! They may be a stinkin' kidnapper for all you know! Crazy! Infatuation at first sight I can believe. Love? Not so much. A real love takes time to develop.
  • It just really paled in comparison to the first book in this series.

If you were looking for a sweet, Amish Fiction to pass the time, there are definitely worse books out there. If you want a nail biter, I would pass.
 N o t e :: I was provided with a free copy of Adoring Addie from the publisher for review purposes. I was not paid to write a review on Adoring Addie, and all thoughts and sentiments are completely my own.

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