
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Quote Book / / June 2013

/ / T h e   Q u o t e   B o o k / /
Dear Readers,
Welcome to this months The Quote Book!

Bethany and I (Madi) each keep a special journal close to us when we are reading our beloved books, and in this journal we record our thoughts on some passages, but mostly we record quotes. One day we decided to share these quotes that we find on a monthly basis with our faithful readers and followers. Our goal in this is to bring you encouragement in words that we found encouragement, and maybe bring you a chuckle or two ;) . Enjoy!
 / / M a d i ' s   Q u o t e s / /
"Sneaky sins are the worst."
-pg 170 of "Gone South" By Meg Mosely

"I just love readin' about other peoples folks' troubles. They make mine look a little smaller."
-pg 189 of "Gone South" By Meg Mosely

"For as little attention as Hans gave their daughter, the girl's love never wavered."
 -pg 13 of "A Noble Groom" By Jody Hedlund

"Nathaniel extended his wings and drew closer to Rachel. 'Child, the father loves you. Do not be dismayed. He has a plan, a good plan for you. Do not lose heart."
-pg 18 of "Brush Of Angel's Wings" By Ruth Reid

"Walk properly, child, not in strife, for that is not pleasing to God."
-pg 34 of "Brush Of Angel's Wings" By Ruth Reid

"Do not strive against one another or cause one to stumble into anger. Rather, love one another as Jesus commanded."
 -pg 37 of "Brush Of Angel's Wings" By Ruth Reid

"When forced to eat humble pie, she found it easier to feed herself."
-pg 142 of "Brush Of Angel's Wings" By Ruth Reid

"Why did you pray and not expect God to answer? You will fail in your own strength."
-pg 16 of "Brush Of Angel's Wings" By Ruth Reid

"Everyone's heartache was different."
-pg 175 of "An Angel By Her Side" By Ruth Reid

"Sometimes the past can become and obstacle to reaching your future. The future God planned for you."
-pg 247 of "An Angel By Her Side" By Ruth Reid

"You may believe you lack certain abilities, but be of good cheer, God has equipped you to accomplish his will."
-pg 257 of "An Angel by Her Side" by Ruth Reid
"I wish more people would tell the uncomfortable parts of their story instead of just the punch line. We need to know we're not alone in the process, especially when it's painful."
-pg 14 "Victim Of Grace" By Robin Jones Gunn

"Write what you know."
-pg 48 of "Victim Of Grace" By Robin Jones Gunn

"Small beginnings are good because they are beginnings."
-pg 49 of "Victim Of Grace" By Robin Jones Gunn

"When we are down to nothing, God is up to something."
-pg 90 of "Victim Of Grace" By Robin Jones Gunn

"Rumors nearly always have at least an element of truth."
-pg 49 of "The Healers Apprentice" By Melanie Dickerson

"I sank down, my back against the door, sobbing like a little kid. Seriously, I hadn't cried that hard in a long time. When I finally looked up, my sleeves were wet from wiping my eyes and nose. I wasn't one of those pretty criers, the type that gets a little pink in the cheeks, and their eyes all wide and bright. No, I got the swelling, bloodshot eyes, the dripping nose that made me a candidate for the Nyquil commercial. That was me. Puurty."
-pg 83 of "Waterfall" By Lisa Tawn Bergren

" 'May I ask . . . what is it that plagues you?' 'Are you educated in the art of medicine?' Yeah, the art of Walgreens and urgent care. ' A bit,' I hedged."
-pg 115 of "Waterfall" By Lisa Tawn Bergren

" ' An armed woman will be more of a target for knights on the prowl.' 'And unarmed women can find themselves without defense,' I said pointedly. 'I shall not be that woman.' "
-pg 140 of "Waterfall" By Lisa Tawn Bergren

"The quickest way out of a mess is to face the truth."
-pg 214 of "Waterfall" By Lisa Tawn Bergren

"Nay, this is not wise at all. But sometimes the heart tells us to venture where the mind fears to tread."
-pg 253 of "Waterfall" By Lisa Tawn Bergren

"Loyalty is not loyalty unless one clings to it in the face of adversity."
-pg 245 of "Cascade" By Lisa Tawn Bergren

"My father always told me that a man who would strike a woman is no sort of man at all."
-pg 254 of "Cascade" By Lisa Tawn Bergren

"Stupid boys were stupid boys, no matter the era."
-pg 124 of "Torrent" By Lisa Tawn Bergren

" 'King David was a mighty warrior,' the parson answered, 'and the Bible calls him a man after God's own heart. If he can slay his enemies and stand before the Lord with a clean conscience, I think I can defend myself and do the same.' "
-pg 21 of "Stealing The Preacher" By Karen Witemeyer

"Evil exist in this world, Daddy. When people choose that path, there are harsh consequences. Innocents are hurt. Once in a while God chooses to intervene, many times he doesn't. Why? I don't know. But what I do know is that he promises to work things out for good for those who love him. He finds ways to create blessings even in the wake of disasters."
-pg 220 of "Stealing The Preacher" By Karen Witemeyer

"If I'm gonna be joining up with the Lord, I can't keep hangin' on to the secrets of my past. I have to own up to what I did and face the consequences. He ain't the kind to be satisfied with me handin' over half the loot. He want's the whole thing."
-pg 324 of "Stealing The Preacher" By Karen Witemeyer
"Remember . . . if God don't give you the answer you're wantin', don't be holdin' it against him. He can still be trusted, even when he says no."
-pg 333 of "Stealing The Preacher" By Karen Witemeyer
"Every parent makes mistakes, but kids survive."
-pg 24 of "Rosemary Cottage" By Colleen Coble
"If her artist's eye had given her nothing else, it taught her to see beauty where few others noticed it." -pg 25 of "The Rose Of Winslow Street" By Elizabeth Camden
"All the despair in the world was encapsulated in Tillie's precious little five year old face. Libby knelt beside the child on the floor of her brother's Summer cottage, and saw tears well in Tille's huge brown eyes, her lower lip trembling pure tragic grief. a pint-sized Joan Of Arc, misunderstood and condemned by the world."
-pg 33 of "The Rose Of Winslow Street" By Elizabeth Camden

 / / B e t h a n y ' s   Q u o t e s / /

“She'd faced some hard knocks in life - one really hard one five years ago - and had managed to cultivate a protective shell for herself. But like a Godiva truffle, she was only hard in a thin outer layer. Her insides were still as tender as ever.” 
-Undeniably Yours by Becky Wade

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but the decision that something is more important than fear.”
-Waterfall by Lisa Bergren

“I nodded, pretending to be a hundred times more courageous than I felt.
But that was the thing about courage. Sometimes you had to fake it to feel it.”
-Waterfall by Lisa Bergren

“How good it felt, to do some good, here and there. Perhaps this was what it meant to be an adult. To grab the opportunity at hand, make the most of the day, regardless of what it looked like.”
 -Waterfall by Lisa Bergren“I am here for a reason. This is no haphazard mistake. What good can I do with what I have?” -Waterfall by Lisa Bergren

“The only time I ever find my dealings with God less than clear-cut is when I'm not being honest with Him. The fuzziness is always on my side, not His.”
-Christy by Catherine Marshall

“A Christian has no business being satisfied with mediocrity. He's supposed to reach for the stars. Why not? He's not on his own anymore. He has God's help now.”
-Christy by Catherine Marshall

“When you heart is ablaze with the love of God, when you love other people - especially the ripsnorting sinners - so much that you dare to tell them about Jesus with no apologies, then never fear, there will be results.” 
-Christy by Catherine Marshall

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