
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Interested In Becoming A Book Reviewer? // Who We Review For

Hello Literary Maidens!

So lately I've had a few friends ask how I get free books from publishers to review on this blog. So with all the curiosity as to how book reviewing works, I thought it's be neat to share with you guys the links to some of Madi and I's favorite review program websites.
So to start, I'll explain how I get books to review for free through publishers. A majority of the time that I review a book on this blog, chances are that I received it through a blogger review program. Most publishers each have their own review program just for that specific publisher, or sometimes sister publishers who share a website will also share a review website for both publishers. A good example of this would be WaterBrook Multnomah publishers. They are two different publishers, yet they share a website and review program called Blogging For Books, which I'll share more info on shortly.
The other times that I did not receive a book through a review program, then I personally contacted the author through their personal email address or contact form on their website, about reviewing a copy of the book or doing an interview/giveaway. Usually I save the personal contacting of the author for a last resort if I'm super interested in reading the book, but am unable to receive a copy through the publishers review website, if the publisher has one. So most of the books I get to review are through blogger programs.

For me, review blogging has been a true blessing! I love to read, but often times am unable to go out and buy every book I'm interested in reading for $14.00 retail price since I read around 10 books a month. As you can imagine, it would turn rather quickly to a very expensive hobby! But since 90% of the books I read each month come through several review programs, I've been able to cheaply read new books. Most people honestly can't afford such an expense for just reading, but through the blogger review programs I'm signed up for I can get free books that are new releases and I get to share about them on my blog with friends! So it's a win-win!

Also, just so you know, all the review programs that we will share links to are Christian publishers. I know that often times if you've not heard of an author or read any of their books, you might be hesitant to request a book that you must read all the way through so you can write a review on. So often for ladies seeking clean fiction, there is a concern with the book turning inappropriate as you read it but still being required to read it to the end. But all these publishers are Christian ones and only carry/review Christian novels so you won't have to worry about it!
Here is a list of the blogger review programs and Madi and I most often use to receive review books, you'll notice that each review program is for a specific publisher, so all the books that will be available to review through that program will only be books from that publisher. Make sense?

// Bethany House //

Bethany HouseBethany House if one of my favorite publishers, and it's not just because we share the same name! :) Bethany House has a wonderful selection of books, and a majority of my favorite authors use this publisher. Bethany House's review program isn't through a website, it's through email! When you sign up for the program and are accepted as a reviewer, then each month you'll receive an email from the lovely folks at BH with 4-6 of the new releases from BH that month. Out of those books, you are allowed to choose one to review.
As a note, if you are accepted into BH's review program you'll want to note that there are is a limited supply of review copies of books that are available, since it's not possible for everyone who requests a book in the monthly email to receive one due to costs. So it's a first-come-first-serve kind of thing. If there is a book to be released by this publisher that you'd really like to review you'll want to keep a close eye on your inbox to make sure you can request it within a timely manner once you get the email, so that you have a better chance to be on the final list to review that book since there is a limited supply of review copies. If you don't check your inbox but every couple of days, then if you request a book, there is a possibility that all the copies would have been spoken for already since you didn't request it fast enough. But if you have a device such as an iPhone or iPod/iPad, that you can get updates on new emails, then this shouldn't be a problem, so long as you keep an eye out for it.
Check out how to become a Bethany House reviewer by clicking HERE!

// Blogging For Books //

Blogging for Books is another review program that Madi and I use a lot! Blogging For Books is the review website for the WaterBrook Multnomah publishing group.
Things to note with this review program is that this program has about 5-8 books to choose from at a time, and once you request a book, you aren't allowed to request another one until you've posted your review of the one you requested. So when choosing a book to read keep in mind that you won't be able to review another one until that review is finished, and you also have to think of the week to two week long shipping time.
Another thing to note is that this review program sometimes sends ARC copies of review books. For those that aren't familiar with ARC copies, it stands for Advance Reading Copy and is basically not a hard copy of the final book. While it's still bound and has the pretty front and back cover, some things like the spine are different than a final copy you'd buy in a book store. The main way to tell if a book is an ARC is you will notice a circle "sticker" that says Advanced Reader Copy which is printed onto the front cover. While it's still the same book {Except for advance editing that may be found before the final copy is printed} the only difference between an ARC and a final copy is the ARC sticker that's printed on the cover and on the spine the release date will be displayed. However, not all the books that are sent from this company will be an ARC, only books that aren't going to be released for a couple months in the future, that there aren't any hard copies printed yet. Which is kind of cool when you think about it because you get to read a book before it's published and be an "editor" or sorts through your review! For an example of ARC copies click here. {Note, the link to that photo is not mine, I found it through another blogger}

To visit the Blogging For Books website click HERE, and for information on signing up click HERE!

// Book Sneeze //

I review for BookSneeze®Book Sneeze is the review program for Thomas Nelson and Zondervan publishers, and another favorite book review program that doesn't require that you have a lot of blog followers to sign up. Book Sneeze is the same as a lot of other review programs in the fact that you can only review one book at a time, meaning you can't request a new book until you post the review for the book you've previously requested. The nice thing about Book Sneeze though is at the beginning of each month they'll email you a list of all the books that will be available to review that month so you can plan on which one you'd like to get, without worrying that you'll request one and then after that want another book but can't review it until you post your other review, by which time the copies will all be spoken for.
To visit Book Sneeze click HERE and to sign up to be a reviewer click HERE!


// Litfuse //

Join the Flock! LitFuse Publicity Group bloggerLitfuse is a super neat review program that allows you to be able to review books from different publishers, and in my opinion is one of the best programs since you have a variety of Christian publishers to choose books from instead of only one. The only thing is Litfuse requires that you have more followers than other programs since there are limited copies of their books, but don't let it keep you from applying!
Litfuse is a program where you apply on the website, but you actually get email updates anytime you are able to review a new book. Once you get an email about a book, you sign up to review it if you are interested, and if you are accepted to review that book you'll be put on the list. Often times Litfuse will email you about a book several months before it's published and if you make it to the mailing list, you'll receive the book two months before it's release date. Litfuse often requires that you participate in the blog tour, and the only difference between a blog tour and a normal review is that you post the review on the date they give you, all of which the information will be given in your emails.
To check out Litfuse click HERE and to sign up click HERE!

Tyndale Blog Network// Tyndale //

Tyndale's blogger program has fewer books to review than most review programs, but is still worth signing up for because they have wonderful books! Some of the books available to review require blog tour participation, which will be specified if this applies to the book.
To check out Tyndale Blogging Network click HERE and for info on signing up click HERE!

So there you have it! If you ladies have any questions about book reviewing or blogger programs, then please either shoot us an email or leave a comment and we'd be more than happy to help! We hope you guys enjoyed this post and will consider signing up for a program or two if you are interested in reviewing books!

~Bethany for The Literary Maidens

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for explaining all this, Bethany Ann! (Because I was one of those few friends who asked about it ;)) This post was very helpful!

    xo || haley


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