
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Writing: 8 Days To Journaling

/ / 8 Days To Journaling / /

{Post By Madi}

Have you ever looked at some cute pin on Pinterest of a journal and thought, "Yeah Right. Ain't nobody got time fo' dat!"? I used to be that way too. I think we all go through phases of wanting to keep a journal, but we give up the effort a week or so later because, hey, it's a busy season of life. Or maybe you're like me and you are just too lazy to keep up with something like that. But about seven or eight years ago, I was going through a rough spot, and I needed somewhere to write down the thoughts in my head, cause if I said them out loud my Mamma was gonna give me a good old fashioned wooping (I would have deserved it). So I got this really pretty journal with wild horses on the front (horses were always my favorite animal), and that's when I realized the benefits of having somewhere to write my own personal thoughts. Once you get into the habit of using your journal, it will be your forever friend. I have gotten to where I only write in my own journal three or four times a month, but it's still a good way to keep my thoughts grounded and my head on straight. You could also use a journal for organizational purposes, but you're barking up the wrong tree if you are planning on asking me about how to stay organized. If you want to start keeping a journal, I would encourage you to dedicate fifteen or twenty minutes to it a day at first, and then when you know you couldn't live without it (and I'm absolutely sure you will reach that conclusion), space out your entries a little bit more if you have a super busy schedule. Here are some topic ideas to get you started:
 Your Thoughts on Social Media - What is your opinion on the amount of time the average person (or just you) spends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, Pinterest, etc.? Is it posing unnecessary distractions, or creating bad influences?
Favorite Quotes/Bible Verses - Write down some of your favorite quotes and Bible verses and why they speak to you the way that they do.
Give Thanks - Write about some things in your life that you are thankful for. What are some things that God has blessed you with? How can you show thanks for these things? This also a good exercise for having a positive outlook throughout your day.
Current Circumstances - What's going on in your life? Is anything special happing, something really exciting? Or maybe you are kind of stuck in a rut. Maybe you could make a list of things that you could do to make a more productive day or deal with arising problems.
Keep A Prayerful Heart - Take a moment to record some prayer request, praise for your Lord and King, or anything that you feel the need to discuss with God.
Goals/Ambitions - Everyone needs a goal; something to work towards. What is something that you want to accomplish in your life, or even in this day?
Politics - Uh-oh. Red flag just went up. Wouldn't want to say anything politically incorrect. This is a journal entry that I would greatly encourage you to make. Do a little research on the American economy, and then share your thoughts on the subject on paper.
Be A Blessing - I know that if you live in the South, you bless a lot of hearts, but what are some ways that you can actually affect someone's life in a positive way? Make a list of names of people that you know, and beside each name or initial write down something that you can do to be a blessing to that person, and then try to do it!
 Well, there you have it! If you make a conscious effort to spend a pre-selected amount of time in your journal, it will eventually become a habit. I hope this post was an encouragement, and I hope you got a blessin' out of it.
~Madilyn For The Literary Maidens
Note: Did you find this post helpful? Do you have any ideas for a post that you would like to see from us? Just shoot us an email, or leave on comment!

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