
Friday, January 10, 2014

Carolina Gold By Dorothy Love Book Review

// Carolina Gold //

By Dorothy Love

{Review By Bethany}

Title: Carolina Gold
Author: Dorothy Love
Source: Litfuse Publicity Group
Number of Pages: 320
ISBN: 140168761X
Publisher: Thomas Nelson Publishers
Publication Date: December 10, 2013
Bethany's Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
// Book Synopsis //
"The war is over, but her struggle is just beginning.

Charlotte Fraser returns to her late father’s once-flourishing rice plantation on the Waccamaw River, determined to continue growing the special kind of rice known as Carolina Gold. But Fairhaven Plantation is in ruins, the bondsmen are free, and money is scarce.

To make ends meet, Charlotte reluctantly accepts a position as tutor to the young daughters of Nicholas Betancourt, heir to the neighboring Willowood Plantation. Then Nick’s quest to prove his ownership of Willowood sends Charlotte on a dangerous journey that reveals an old family mystery—and threatens all that she holds dear.

Inspired by the life of a 19th century woman rice planter, Carolina Gold continues Dorothy Love’s winning tradition of weaving together mystery, romance, and rich historical detail, bringing to life the story of one young woman’s struggle to restore her ruined world."
// Bethany's Book Review //
Carolina Gold is an exciting new novel from author Dorothy Love which excellently portrays the true story of a woman battling to save her family's rice plantation right after the war in the 1800s. Full of historical accuracy, courage, bravery and hard work, this novel is sure to delight and inspire any historical fiction reader.
Before reading Carolina Gold, I'd never read any other book by this author, and though I'd heard good reviews of her novels, I didn't know from experience if I'd love this author. However after reading Carolina Gold I've proclaimed Dorothy Love to be a favorite author, and have put her newest release on my favorite reads of 2013 list! I thoroughly enjoyed every page of this novel and would love to see similar works or historical fiction from this author in the future!
One of the things that really made me love this book was how it was based on the true story of Elizabeth Waties Allston Pringle who lived from 1845-1921. I always love learning about remarkable women of the past who went above and beyond what was expected of them and made history-and this lady certainly fits this bill as she definitely was a woman who was a hard worker who wasn't afraid to get dirty and do what needed to be done. I love a good fictional story, as well as an interesting true story on a woman from the past, so to have the two combined with the addition of a beautiful writing style; it made for a very enjoyable read. I loved all the historical details that were in this story. I felt like while I was reading a fictionalized story, I was learning, and it inspired me to want to learn more about this woman. The historical details found in the book made it obvious that Dorothy Love took her research for this book seriously, and I really think it added so much to the story. Anyone who loves reading books that are very informative about history should read this book!
Another big plus for me in this story was how low the level of romance was. However even though there wasn't a bunch of romance, there was enough to keep it interesting and was very clean, but it wasn't the main focus of the novel. I always admire an author who is able to - and sees the value in writing an interesting story that is always keeping you engaged in the story, without needing a lot of romance to bring you to that point. I think the romance involved was the perfect amount and made it a sweet story.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and would highly recommend it to anyone who loves history and a good read. I eagerly look forward to reading more books by this author in the future!
N O T  E :: I received a free copy of this book through Litfuse Publicity and the publisher to read and honestly review. I was not paid in any way to review this book, and all thoughts expressed in my review are completely honest and unbiased.

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