
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Luminary by Krista McGee Book Review

18126905// L u m i n a r y //

The Anomaly Trilogy // Book # 2

By Krista McGee

{Review By Bethany}

Title: Luminary
Series: Anomaly // Book #2
Author: Krista McGee
Source: BookSneeze
Number of Pages: 320
ISBN: 1401688748
Publisher: Thomas Nelson Publishers
Publication Date: January 7th, 2014
Bethany's Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
// Book Synopsis //
Taken from
"She was an anomaly with a death sentence. Now she's free.

Thalli was scheduled for annihilation. She was considered an anomaly--able to experience emotions that should have been eradicated by genetic modification. The Scientists running the State couldn't allow her to bring undue chaos to their peaceful, ordered world. But seconds before her death, she is rescued.

Now Thalli is above ground in a world she thought was destroyed. A world where not even the air is safe to breathe. She and her three friends must journey across this unknown land, their destination a hidden civilization. It's their only chance of survival.

Broken and exhausted after an arduous journey, they arrive in New Hope, a town that survived the nuclear holocaust. When Thalli meets the people there--people actually "born" to "families"--her small world is blown wide open.

Soon after their arrival to New Hope, the town comes under attack. She has escaped imminent death, but now Thalli is thrust into a new fight--a fight to save her new home. Does she know enough about this world of emotions, this world of chaos, to save not only herself, but the people she has come to love?"
// Bethany's Book Review //
What an exciting continuation of the Anomaly trilogy! After reading Anomaly, book one, and being beyond overly impressed with it (you can read my full review of Anomaly here) I was very eager to continue the story in book two, Luminary; and was not disappointed with this second installment that excited and left me eager for the final book, Revolutionary.
This book starts off right where we left Thalli, Burk, Rhen and John behind in Anomaly, and begins to embark on a very interestingly dangerous journey with them, to go to what's left of the States after the war when the Scientists took over some forty years ago. One of the things I liked about this book was how they travel to Texas as it's my home state and very close to my heart. I really liked seeing the comparison to the futuristic, science fiction aspect of this series with how they go to the States, at a time that would to us be in the future, where they look for life that survived the war. It was an interesting comparison for them to view this village that they find  that is uncontrolled by the Scientists, compared to the world Thalli grew up in as a mere machine created by the Scientist to satisfy their purpose for her, and leave her with a life barren of emotions and joy. It was interesting seeing Thalli experience the many differences of the Texans through the way they speak, act and live, as it's so completely opposite to all that Thalli had ever known.
Anyone who has read the first book in this trilogy, Anomaly, will know that this trilogy is nothing but non stop action and adventure - and this second book is no exception as it is an exciting adventure that kept me up until 2 a.m. on new years day. It's just one of those books that you read in one or two sittings since you just can't put it down. Another thing I loved about this book was the continuation of Thalli's spiritual life, and her growing closer to the Lord. Where we left in Anomaly, Thalli had just given her life to the Lord and in this book she is still a new Christian, and I loved being able to see her apply her faith to her circumstances.
Overall I was very pleased with Luminary, and it definitely ended leaving me dying to know what happens next, as this trilogy is so well known for. I loved the balance of science fiction and reality, as well as the adventure Thalli takes in this book visiting Athens and being a part of a very dangerous mission to save her friends. It was a very thrilling book and I can't wait to get my hands on the final book, Revolutionary in the summer of 2014! I'd highly recommend this book to anyone who has read the first book and loved it, as Luminary is just as good, if not better than Anomaly, and a real treat for lovers of inspirational science fiction.
D I S C L A I M E R :: I received a free copy of Luminary from Thomas Nelson Publishers for the sole purpose of this review. I was not paid to write this review, nor was my review biased in any way because of the free book. All thoughts expressed in my review are completely my own, honest and unbiased.

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