
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Shadowed By Grace By Cara C. Putman Book Review

/ / Shadowed By Grace / /

/ / A Story Of Monuments Men / /

{Review Written By Madi}
Title: Shadowed By Grace
Author: Cara C. Putman
Source: The Litfuse Publicity Group
Number Of Pages: 342
ISBN: 978-1-4336-8178-3
Publisher: B&H Books
Publication Date: January 1st, 2014
Rating: Three Out Of Five Stars

/ / Book Description / /

Shadowed by Grace is the first in a stirring new series of stand-alone historical suspense novels by acclaimed author Cara C. Putman. Desperate to save her dying mother, Rachel accepts her newspaper’s assignment to travel to Italy to captures images dangerously close to the front lines of WWII. Her real motive – to find the father she never knew -- an artist she hopes can offer the comfort and support both she and her mother need to survive. It’s an unlikely situation for love and faith to flourish, but soon Rachel not only finds herself, but also her long-lost earthly father, and ultimately, the man her Heavenly father created to cherish and provide for her.

/ / Book Review / /

Not the best book that I have read. I took me FOREVER to get interested in it. This book took me two weeks to read. I usually finish a book this size in a couple of days. No matter how busy I was, it shouldn't have taken that long. I just couldn't get interested in the characters and their plot in life. It was slow going, for sure. It wasn't until I was almost finished with the book that I finally started to wonder how it would turn out. I liked the historical aspect that the author brought to the novel, and I liked how she didn't sugar coat things. It is how it is and that's all there is to it. I felt compassion for Rachel's mother, I felt wonder at how her father could just leave her in the dust without reproach, I felt joyous at her finding Scott and deciding that he was the one for her, but I still can't say that I particularly enjoyed reading this book. This author has great potential, but she still has quite a bit of work to do. She needs to add a little bit of . . . pizzazz to her writing. You have to be able to draw a reader in with the very first sentence of a book, not half way through it. I'm sure that this author has a wonderful career in literature ahead of her, but this was a lousy way to draw in a new reader. I probably won't read anything else by this author, and if I do, it will be in the distant future. I hate to write bad reviews, but sometimes it can't be avoided. Now, just because I didn't like Shadowed By Grace, doesn't mean that you won't. I encourage you to read some more reviews to see if it's something that you might be interested in. Taste in books is different for every reader, and you may be looking at the cover of your next favorite book (even if it wasn't mine).
~The Literary Maidens
Note: I was provided with a free copy of this book by The Litfuse Publicity Group in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not paid to review this product and all thoughts expressed above are completely my own and unbiased.


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