
Friday, March 21, 2014

In The Shadow Of Jezebel By Mesu Andrews Book Review

/ / In The Shadow Of Jezebel / /

{Review Written By Madi}
Book Title: In The Shadow Of Jezebel
Author: Mesu Andrews
Source: Revell Buzz
Genre: Christian Fiction
Number Of Pages: 412
ISBN: 978-0-8007-2170-1
Publisher: Revell
Year Of Publication: 2014
Rating: Three Out Of Five Stars
/ / Book Description / /
Princess Jehosheba wants nothing more than to please the harsh and demanding Queen Athaliah, daughter of the notorious Queen Jezebel. Her work as a priestess in the temple of Baal seems to do the trick. But when a mysterious letter from the dead prophet Elijah predicts doom for the royal household, Jehosheba realizes that the dark arts she practices reach beyond the realm of earthly governments. To further Athaliah and Jezebel’s strategies, she is forced to marry Yahweh’s high priest and enters the unfamiliar world of Yahweh’s temple. Can her new husband show her the truth and love she craves? And can Jehosheba overcome her fear and save the family–and the nation–she loves?
/ / Book Review / /
 If you have been following this blog for a while, you know that I have a soft spot for Biblical based fiction, and that even if it's not the best book I've read, I will still give it a decent rating if it is accurate. It's been a while since I read this portion of the Bible, so there were some parts of this novel that I'm kind of iffy about as far as how biblically accurate it is, but I do know that the main plot was true. I enjoyed this book for the most part, but there were a few things about it that I wasn't thrilled about. For one thing, the emphasis put on Baal. The author made sure to let the reader know that it was a bunch of phooey, but it's such a touchy subject, and a lot of research would have to go into writing a novel about the ancient pagan culture in order for things to be portrayed in the correct way. Just by reading the book, I'm not sure that the author did enough research to make the story authentic. I did, however, like how the author incorporated a great deal of the one true God. If I were to write a book based off of an Old Testament event, I probably wouldn't have chosen this one, but I think that Mesu did a pretty good job with the story that she chose. If you like most biblical fiction then you will more than likely enjoy this one as well. The characters were amazing. I LOVED Jehoiada. He was sweet and caring toward his emotionally abused wife. He was so patient with her and he took all of her little "moments" in stride. He had a little bit of a temper, but that just made me love him more. It made him seem human, considering the fact that he had few other flaws. I also enjoyed watching Sheba grow in her faith and as a person. Marrying the high priest did her a world of good. I would recommend this book to biblical fiction fans that are 15 and older.
~The Literary Maidens
Note: I was provided with a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion by Revell Buzz. I was not further compensated to review this product and all thoughts expressed above are completely my own and unbiased.

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