
Friday, April 18, 2014

Cloak Of The Light By Chuck Black Book Review

Cloak Of The Light

Wars Of The Realm, #1

Book Review Written By Madi
Book Title: Cloak Of The Light
Author: Chuck Black
Source: Blogging For Books
Genre: Christian Fiction
Number Of Pages: 306
ISBN: 978-1-60142-502-7
Publisher: Multnomah
Year Of Publication: 2014
Rating: Five Out Of Five Stars
Book Description
Author of the popular Kingdom Series returns with this thrilling new novel for young adults.

Tragedy and heartache seem to be waiting for Drew Carter at every turn. Sydney Carlyle, a mysterious and elusive girl offers encouragement through her faith, but Drew is too logical and scientific to believe that her prayer of healing was anything but coincidental in the restoration of his eyesight. As his sight returns, he discovers that the accident has heightened his neuron activity, giving him skills and sight beyond the normal man. When he begins to see fierce invaders that no one else can see, he questions his own sanity, and so do others. But is he insane or do the invaders truly exist? The only one who can help him, his genius friend Benjamin Berg, has disappeared. In Drew's quest to find Ben, he discovers that the invaders themselves are at war, for his efforts to thwart the devastating actions caused by the dark invaders are aided by invaders with a different nature. Time grows short as the dark invaders close in on Drew. With skills that no other man possesses, and help from Benjamin and Sydney, Drew initiates a plan to expose the invaders to the world.
Book Review
 Chuck Black, beloved author of The Kingdom Series has written another page-turning novel that will grab your attention and not let it go until the very end. By reading this book you will get a look into the world of supernatural battles and how angels and demons could potentially be changing our lives as we know it as we speak. I have read (and re-read) The Kingdom Series to a point where I could quote it. When I found out that Chuck Black had authored another book, I jumped at the opportunity to read and review it. This book is the first book in the Wars Of The Realm Series, and I can already tell you that no other book I have read this year can even come close. When I started reading it, I was a little concerned at first. The first several chapters were all about Drew's backstory. Had my favorite author written a boring book after all? NOPE. When I got farther into the story, I realized that all the time spent on Drew's background was completely necessary in order for the story to make sense and pull together. Black knows what he's doing. He perfectly blends the worlds of Christians and Non-believers. He describes angels and demons in a realistic sense. No pointy horns and red skin, just very creepy, dark, mythical creatures. I also liked how he included a guide in the back of how each chapter resembled biblical doctrine and prophecies. The only thing that I didn't like about this book was the end of it. It totally left me hanging until the next book comes out! (Does anyone know when that might be, by the way?). My favorite character is Sydney. She was the only one smart enough to figure out what the heck was going on. Granted, she didn't piece the pieces together until the last few pages, but in her defense, she wasn't the most informed person in the trio (Drew, Ben and Sydney). I can't wait until the next book comes out. If you can get your hands on a copy of this book, READ IT. It's also family friendly, so I'm sure that the youngers ones in your family would enjoy reading it as well.

~Madi For The Literary Maidens

Note: I was provided with a free copy of this book by the Blogging For Books review program in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not further compensated to review this product and all thoughts and sentiments expressed above are completely my own and unbiased.


  1. Ahh, yes! Such an amazing book!!!! I absolutely LOVED it!! Can't say enough about it :D This was my review:
    I agree with you about the end being a total cliff-hanger. I moaned about that for weeks, and even more so about the fact that the next book doesn't come out until February 2015! =( Seems like SO long to wait. But I am sure it will be equally as amazing, and worth the wait. :)

    1. February 2015?! Well boo. Thanks for your feedback. :)


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