
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Raptor 6 By Ronie Kendig Book Review

Raptor 6

Review Written By Madi
Book Title: Raptor 6
Author: Ronie Kindig
Source/Sponsor: Litfuse Publicity Group
Genre: Christian Fiction
Number Of Pages: 352
ISBN: 978-1-61626-040-8
Publisher: Shiloh Run Press, an imprint of Barbour Publishing Inc.
Year Of Publication: 2014
My Rating: Two Out Of Five Stars
Favorite Quote From This Book:
"Don't Need Brains to be a terrorist." -page 31

Book Description

Captain Dean Watters keeps his mission and his team in the forefront of his laser-like focus. So when Dean’s mission and team are threatened, his Special Forces training kicks into high gear. Failing to stop hackers from stealing national security secrets from the military’s secure computers and networks isn’t an option. Zahrah Zarrick is a missionary teacher to Afghan children in Mazar-e Sharif. And a target. When Zahrah is captured because of her expertise in quantum cryptology, compromising the US military, Dean is forced to crack the lockbox around his heart—a move that might come at the highest cost.

Book Review

I am giving this book two (2) out of five (5) stars. Let me explain why I gave it such a low rating. I like to read books that keep me on my toes, books that have so much suspense that I can't put it down despite my best efforts. Raptor 6 didn't really do that for me. When I ordered this book, I read some reviews on Good Readss before it arrived and I was super pumped to start it. I went into this novel hoping that I would enjoy it even though I don't read a lot of military novels (not because I don't like them, but because good ones are hard to find). The reviews for this book were amazing. It seemed like everyone really liked it and looks forward to the next book in this series. When I started reading it, I had a hard time getting interested in it. "It must be one of those books that makes up for it in the middle," I thought. Nope. The farther I got into this book the more I started to realize that finishing it was going to be a chore. I got way behind on my reading and blogging trying to finish this book. It seemed like it went on forever, even though it is an average sized book. Right off the bat the thing that stuck out to me the most was that the author didn't really describe the characters very well. I didn't feel like I fully understood where the characters were coming from, I didn't know what their personalities were supposed to be like, and I had an especially hard time connecting with the main character (which is a large part of the book, of course). Maybe it's because the lead character in the book was a guy, and I'm not really used to reading a lot of novels without a woman in the lead, but I recently read a novel by Chuck Black with a male lead, and I LOVED it, so I don't really think that was it. Maybe it was because of the setting or some other nonsense, I really don't know, but no matter the reason, I don't think I will be reading any more books from this author. The one  thing that I did like about this book is that it was 100 percent American. I think it's time that author's took it upon themselves to incorporate American pride into their writings. I loved seeing things from the perspective of one of our soldiers. This is a great country (despite our lack of leadership), and I think it's great that Ronie Kendig wrote about something of such significance. Now, just because I didn't like this book, doesn't mean that you won't. Like I said before, this book has a lot of really good reviews, so I encourage you to read some of them before you decide if this is a book that you would be interested in.

~Madi For The Literary Maidens

Note: I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion by The Litfuse Publicity Group. I was not further compensated to review this product and all thoughts and sentiments expressed above are completely my own and unbiased.

RAPTOR 6 Ronie Kendig

1 comment:

  1. Aw, bummer! Sorry this one wasn't for you. I just realized mine is due in less than a week, hence I need to get reading! :D


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