
Thursday, May 22, 2014

While Love Stirs By Lorna Seilstad Book Review

18637158// While Love Stirs //

The Gregory Sisters // Book #2

By Lorna Seilstad

{Review Written By Bethany}

Source: Complementary review copy from the publisher
Genre: Christian Fiction, Historical Fiction
Number of Pages: 352
 Publisher: Revell
Publication Date: May 6th, 2014
My Rating: Three out of five stars

// Book Synopsis //

{Taken from GoodReads} 

 "After graduating from Fannie Farmer's School of Cookery in 1910, Charlotte Gregory is ready to stir things up. She is thrilled to have the opportunity to travel, lecture, and give cooking demonstrations on the very latest kitchen revolution--the gas stove--and certainly doesn't mind that the gas company has hired the handsome Lewis Mathis to perform at her lectures. Lewis encourages her work, especially her crusade to introduce fresh, appetizing, nutritious food to those convalescing in hospitals. But young hospital superintendent Dr. Joel Brooks is not convinced any changes should be made--especially by this outspoken young woman.

When Charlotte and Joel are coerced into planning a fund-raising gala for the hospital, will this combustible pair explode?

Fan favorite Lorna Seilstad is back with a breezy, lighthearted love triangle that will keep readers guessing. Attention to historic detail adorns the timeless story of a young woman looking for true love and making her way in a rapidly changing world."

// Bethany's Book Review //

I had never had the opportunity to read this author prior to requesting While Love Stirs, so I really didn't know how I'd like this book. Really the only thing that made me want to read it was how the main character, Charlotte was a chef. Since I share that common interest, I thought it'd be a neat book to read, as I also love to craft things in the kitchen. That was the main attraction I had to the book, and what made me decide to read it. While I'm happy I was able to read this book, I probably won't be re-reading it; but consider it a nice, light one-time read.

Now don't get me wrong, I did enjoy this book; I just felt like it was more in the middle range for me, as far as how much I enjoyed it. When I requested to review this book I knew that it was the second in a series, and that I'd not read the first book. Normally I am very big on reading books in order, but these novels are stand-alone novels about sisters (each book is about a different sister, so it's not necessary to read them in order, though it certainly does enhance the reading experience). I didn't have a problem reading this book without reading the first book in the series, titled When Love Calls which is about the oldest Gregory sister. However if I had to do it over, I'd prefer to read the books in order as there are characters that I assumed were in the first book that I would have enjoyed already knowing coming into the second book.

I really enjoyed how this book was focused on a chef, and found that unique and a great opportunity for a truly enjoyable plot. I loved all the scenes where Charlotte baked, and being that her personality is so spunky and strong-willed I found it to be a humorous addition to her love for food. Her personality was very unique and rather bold, so that added a aspect of excitement to the novel. However I felt like at times the plot was rather simple and somewhat slow. I also wished there would have been more baking involved in the novel, as I was really hopping for a good thick thread of it in the novel since that is what made me want to read the book in the first place. I realized that the main plot was Charlotte and the love triangle she was in, and that the baking was a small bit that was only a minor portion of the novel. To some extend that is to be expected, I'd just have enjoyed seeing more baking scenes.

Another thing I will comment on is Charlotte's personality. I always enjoy a good spunky and opinionated character, but I felt like Charlotte was occasionally overly feminist in thought at times; by trying to be superior to men and not accept offers of a gentleman's help. I just didn't like the attitude that was behind the feminist actions and would have enjoyed seeing a more head-strong lady who though opinionated, was still feminine at the same time and had a good balance.

Overall, I enjoyed this book as a one-time read, and was glad to have read it; though there were a few disappointing aspects to me. While I was neither overly fond or overly displeased with this novel, I'd say it was a middle-range novel for me. However others with different reading styles might really enjoy this novel. So I recommend you give it a try if you have the chance!

D I S C L A I M E R :: I received a complementary review copy of While Love Stirs from the publisher in exchange for my honest review. I was not paid to write this review. All thoughts expressed in my review are my completely honest, my own and unbiased.

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