
Monday, July 14, 2014

Captured by Love by Jody Hedlund // Guest Post + Giveaway

Hello friends! Today I'm very excited to have a special guest here on The Literary Maidens, Mrs. Jody Hedlund, author of Captured by Love. I was blessed to be able to review Jody's newest release, Captured by Love, as well as be a part of the blog tour going on to celebrate the release! If you'd like to check out the other blog tour stops, you can view the schedule HERE. You can also read my review of Captured by Love by clicking HERE.

So today Jody is here with us, and will be sharing about the true people and events in Captured by Love. For those who have read Captured by Love already, then you'll know exactly what Jody is talking about when she shares bits of the story, and if not then I hope learning about the true events in the story inspires you to get your hands on a copy a read it for yourself! We hope that you enjoy reading this guest post, and be sure to stick around until the end because we are doing a special giveaway for a copy of Captured by Love!

Captured by Love by Jody Hedlund// Behind the Scenes of 
Captured By Love //

The True People and Events 
in Captured by Love

Most of my readers know by now that I LOVE to write about true people and events. The books in my Hearts of Faith series are inspired by great women from history including Elizabeth Bunyan in The Preacher's Bride, Narcissa Whitman in The Doctor's Lady, Abigail Adams in Rebellious Heart.

My Michigan Brides Collection, Unending Devotion, A Noble Groom, and now Captured by Love, aren't based on big-name historical women like in my other books. But I do add in real people and facts from Michigan history that make the books especially intriguing.

If you've read any of my other books, you'll quickly realize that I explain what's true and what's not in the Author's Note at the end of my books. Captured by Love is no different. So make sure you don't skip my Author's Notes!

So what really happened and what are the wild wanderings of a writer's imagination?

The entire story itself is rooted in authentic Mackinac Island aura, from the wildlife to the scenery descriptions. I tried to stay as true to the historical setting as possible.

But here are some actual historical events and people that made their way into the book:

It's true that after the British took over the island, American men (not women) had to sign the Oath of Allegiance to the British or leave their homes. Many of the islands residents, rather than lose their land and homes, signed the Oath and stayed on the island. In Captured by Love, I had Angelique's fiancé stay loyal to the Americans and refuse to sign the Oath. Then I tried to show how difficult life would have been for the women and family left behind.

It's true that the once the British took over the island, they really had no clue about how to deal with the harsh Michigan winters. They were ill prepared with both clothing and food supplies. The army rationed food to prevent starvation. They had to eat their horses. And they confiscated food from the island residents.

A close-up of the wood palisades that surrounded the fort.

At the start of 1814 (as Captured by Love opens), the war had been ongoing for almost two years. The new captain that arrived on the island, Captain McDouall, required that all the island residents spend three days working on building a new fort (named Fort George after their king). Can you imagine if you were an American woman or child forced to help fortify your enemy's position?

One view of inside of the fort.

(Mild spoiler alert!) Obviously the Americans hoped to win the island back from the British. During the summer of 1814, after much delay, the Americans finally attacked. I tried to retell the battle the way that it really happened including an odd diversion in which the British left the battlefield supposing an attack was happening elsewhere on the island. (Of course, I offer my own fictionalized theory for why that diversion happened!)

I also used the names of real war heroes, captains, and colonels as well as the names of places that exist on the island today. The fort still sits on the bluffs of the island with the original stone officer's quarters, soldier's barracks, and storehouse. In fact, you can even peer down into the infamous Black Hole.

One of the blockhouses that was a part of the wall of the fort and used for keeping watch as well as fighting against invaders.

Essentially the book is centered around that real attack by the Americans and the ensuing events.

Here's what Publisher's Weekly had to say about the book: "Award-winning author Hedlund (The Preacher’s Bride) continues to perfect her craft, combining drama, geography, and military strategy into an engaging historical romance. Superbly written romantic tension comes together with rich historical and scenic detail in this third novel in the Michigan Brides Collection that will leave readers eager for a fourth."

What about you? If you could pick one event or era from history and command an author to write a story set around that event or era, what would it be? (Who knows, maybe you'll spark an idea for a new book!)

Displaying Author Picture.jpg// About Jody Hedlund //

Jody Hedlund is an award-winning historical romance novelist and author of the best-selling books, The Preacher's Bride, Unending Devotion, and A Noble Groom. She received a bachelor’s degree from Taylor University and a master’s from the University of Wisconsin, both in Social Work. Currently she makes her home in Michigan with her husband and five busy children.

Where readers can find me:

I hang out on Facebook here: Author Jody Hedlund
I also love to chat on Twitter: @JodyHedlund
My home base is at my website:
Or you're welcome to email me at:

// Captured by Love Book Giveaway //

In celebration of the release of Captured by Love, Jody is giving away a signed copy of her newest release on each of her blog tour stops, which means that on of you will win a signed copy of Captured by Love to read for yourself or give to a friend. Yay!
To enter this giveaway, please use the Raffle Copter widget below. You can sign in using either your email or Facebook, and from there you can complete certain activities which will give you giveaway entries. The giveaway will take entries until July 25th, 2014 and is only open to U.S. residents due to shipping costs. Once the giveaway has ended, I will use to generate one random winner and they will be emailed with information on redeeming their prize in addition to their name being displayed on the widget. 

I'd like to thank Jody for stopping by and sharing about the real events in Captured by Love, as well as for giving away a a copy of her newest book to one of you readers! Have a blessed day!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. There is shockingly little fiction about the great state of Minnesota, which had its fair share of excitement in the mid-nineteenth century. My grandparents live a couple miles from a stockade thrown together during the Dakota War of 1862, which was almost entirely overshadowed by the Civil War. I'd love to read a novel set during that event!

  2. I haven't read any of Jody's books before, but there have been several that I have been interested in! Thanks for the chance to win!

  3. Only one era? :) Let's see...I believe I would have to pick the Civil War. I love reading about the loyalties and devotion that each side has for his own cause. But then, I enjoy seeing the reconciliation that must follow, but takes time, especially for those not in the faith.

  4. I have read all of Jody ' s books and look forward to this one as well. My favorite was "The Doctor's Lady."

    Brittany Keating (

  5. Jody, I've read several of your books and am excited for a chance to win this one. I look forward to each of your new releases!

  6. I read Noble Groom and it was great! I didn't notice the Author's Notes section, I will have to go back and read it. Does any of the characters from a Noble Groom show up in your new book? Thanks!

    1. Glad you liked A Noble Groom! No, none of the characters carry over in my current books. But . . . in my lighthouse series (the first releasing in December), each book will have a minor character that gets to be the main character in the next book. I've been having fun writing the series! :-)

  7. I would enjoy a chance to read this bòok, thanks.

  8. I love historical backdrops as a setting for historical fiction! Some ideas are the assassination of Lincoln and Reconstruction, the sinking of the Maine and the Spanish American War in 1898 and the start of World War I/assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. I know that the assassinations are very tragic but usually come about as the result of some very deeply divided sentiment about politics etc.

  9. I LOVE the Island and I've really enjoyed Rebellious Heart, I can not WAIT to read this one!

  10. I'd like a fictional book set in early WWI around the circumstances of Duke Ferdinand and his death...and it's starting the war. So much more is written about WWII than WWI. Love the historical facts in these books. One based on the saving the Alamo would be interesting as well. Great interview!

  11. Hi Jody, Can't wait to read this book. Thank you for the chance to win.

  12. I am excited to read this one! I have read most of your books so far!

  13. Hi Jody, I am looking forward to reading this book. Thank you sharing about the book. I love reading books that use real people and history in them. I like that you tell whats true and not true at the end of your books. Thank you for this chance to win. ~ Blessings ~ lisastifler(at)yahoo(dot)com

  14. I've loved the three of your books I've read so far, and was thrilled to be able to get Unending Devotion on the recent e-book sale! I can't wait to read Captured by Love!

  15. I love all your books. I love that you add true aspects in all the stories.

  16. I've read The Preacher's Bride (my book club discussed it) and A Noble Groom. Jody's other books are on my wish list. I like the way she takes real people and/or events and weaves a story around them.
    Thanks for the chance to win Captured by Love.

  17. The more I read about Captured By Love on this Blog Tour, the more excited I get about reading the book!

  18. Thank you so much for having me here on you blog today!! It was fun sharing more about the real events that went into the book! :-)

  19. Haven't read this author before

  20. This looks like a great read! I absolutely adore the cover! It has a sense of classic timelessness and beauty that drew me to read the blog. Thank you for sharing your story and craft.

  21. What a great post! I can't wait to read this book... I LOVE Jody's books, and this one looks great! Thanks for the chance to win!

  22. Jody, I have enjoyed every one of your books and am really looking forward to reading Captured By Love. I love how you weave real life bits of history into your books. The stories come alive that way. My favorite novel of yours so far (hard choice) is The Doctor's Lady I think.

  23. I think this book sounds wonderful and I cannot wait to read it. I love the cover as well. Thank you for the opportunity to be a winner.

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

  24. Just one era.... Hmm there are so many interesting events I don't think I can just pick one.

    Thanks for the post and giveaway!


  25. Hello :-)
    I have read The Doctors Lady and so enjoyed it. It was a page turner. I would so enjoy winning and reading, Captured By Love.

    Thank You

  26. I love that you include historical figures or situations in your books!! You also have beautiful book covers. Can't wait to read this one!

  27. I'm yet to read one of your books.

  28. You asked what I would like to read-How about early (1890's) history of Los Angeles (southern California),

  29. I'd love an historical romance centered around one of the mass migrations from American history: the Irish, the Germans, the Swedes, the Norwegians. Each of these groups came to America in large groups, and I'm sure there were lots of romances going on!

  30. I've read four of Jody's books and really enjoyed them all! I appreciate how she uses some real characters and events and tells in the author's notes what is true and what is not. It makes me want to read more about those people and/or events.


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