
Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Proof By Cheryl Colwell Book Review

The Proof

Review Written By Madi
Book Title: The Proof
Author: Cheryl Colwell
Source/Sponsor: BookCrash Blogger Program
Genre: Fiction/Suspense
Number Of Pages: 334
ISBN: 978-0-9892371-3-0
Publisher: Inspired Fiction Books
Year Of Publication: 2014
My Rating: Five Out Of Five Stars
Book Description
Shrouded in mystery, a precious relic known as Il Testamento, or The Proof, circulated among the early Christians for centuries. Before their deaths, its guardians hid it from their adversaries, leaving only a crude map of its location.

For centuries, it lay in darkness. Until now. Reports of its existence have resurfaced, inciting an ancient rivalry between a ruthless group that seeks to destroy it, and a secret association that lusts for its power.

Summoned to Siena by a grandfather he has never met, Gabriel Dolcini is thrust into a dark maze of danger. And into his divine destiny.
Favorite Quotes From This Book
"There are times when destiny transcends coincidence." -Page 57
"God does not cause the accidents and wickedness. He picks up the pieces and gives us strength to get through." -Page 243
Book Review
 When I ordered this book I had never heard of the author or publisher, so I was hopeful, but I wasn't expecting much. Well, let me tell you, don't underestimate small publishers. This is possibly my favorite book out of all the books that I have ever read. It's so full of mystery and diversity that it kept my attention from beginning to end. I wonder if this author has any other novels? She has definitely caught my attention. Her story was so well written and so thoughtfully pieced together. I can tell that she did quite a bit of research prior to writing this novel, and it certainly paid off. And the characters? So realistic that it feels as if you can reach out and touch them.
Gabe seeks out his long lost grandfather in hopes that his European influence will help further his art career, and instead gets caught in the middle of an all out war between an ancient organization of "Knights" and his very own family. What old mythical relic could be worth killing people over? Unless it's not a myth . . . But that's impossible. That would mean that the historical events proclaimed in the Bible actually happened, and since he doesn't believe in God, that obviously isn't the case. Well, Gabriel gets a rude awakening, to say the least. He not only comes to believe in the coveted relic, 11 Testamento, but also in the God of his grandfather Louis. Along his journey to locate the piece of his grandfather's dreams, he comes across a lot of people, and doesn't know who he can trust. It seems like everyone he encounters is in league with the bad guys, even those that he leans on the heaviest. He learns a lot of lessons, gets a few beatings, confronts his past, and learns to forgive those that hurt him most.
You won't believe what the relic turns out to be. You will be guessing until it is revealed, and then you will be completely shocked. There is no possible way that you could see it coming. It's so cool. I wish an architect would discover something like it today. It would make the most dubious antagonist a believer.  
I cannot recommend this book enough. It is one of those stories that stays with you, even after you finish reading it. It is clean, so if you know a young person that loves reading suspenseful books, then you would be able to share it with them without worry of them reading something that they shouldn't. That being said, I'm sure that adults and children alike would enjoy this book. Maybe make it a family reading book? I can't think of a single person that I know that could have anything against this story. Just read it!
~Madi for The Literary Maidens
D I S C L A I M E R: I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book by BookCrash in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not further compensated to review this product, and all thoughts and sentiments expressed above are completely my own an unbiased.


  1. I will definitely want to read this one! It sounds awesome!
    Thanks for posting!

  2. P.S. It does appear that Colwell has other books... here is the link to her website:

  3. I nominated you for the Sunshine Award! :)

    Please stop by my link to visit my post on it and read what you must do:


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