
Monday, July 28, 2014

With Every Breath by Elizabeth Camden Book Review

With Every Breath

A Novel

Review Written by Madi
Book Title: With Every Breath
Author: Elizabeth Camden
Source/Sponsor: Bethany House Publishers
Genre: Christian Fiction, Historical Fiction
Number of Pages: 360
ISBN: 978-0-7642-1174-4
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
Year of Publication: 2014
Rating: Five out of Five Stars
Book Description
In the shadow of the nation's capital, Kate Livingston holds a respectable position as a government statistician when she encounters a rival from her past, the insufferable Trevor McDonough. A Harvard-trained physician, Trevor never showed the tiniest flicker of interest in Kate, and she's bewildered at the way he suddenly seeks her out. Surprising even herself, Kate agrees to Trevor's entirely unexpected and risky proposal to work side-by-side with him in his quest to rid the world of tuberculosis, a contagious and deadly disease.

As Kate begins to unlock the mysteries of Trevor's past, she realizes there is much more to him than she could have imagined. His hidden depths may fascinate her, but his most closely guarded secrets and a shadowy enemy lurking in the background carry a serious threat to their future.

When the truth of the past comes out, threatening to destroy everything they hold dear, how will Trevor and Kate ever overcome all that stands in their way?
Book Review
Oh my goodness gracious. This book is marvelous. The story was so well written that I felt like I was walking through each triumph and tragedy right along with Kate Livingston and Trevor McDonough. It's so descriptive of the characters emotions and surroundings that I felt like I personally was walking through the hospital halls, speaking with patients and despairing over lost lives. This book took me away from reality to place filled with heartache and sorrow. It's incredible to think that a disease that took the lives of so many in the past can now be cured with a quick round of antibiotics. Medicine has certainly come a long way since the era of this book. I can tell that Elizabeth Camden had to do a substantial amount of research on tuberculosis and it's history before penning this book, and I applaud her for a job well done. One of the many things that I appreciated most in this novel was the in depth view of how doctors treated patients way back when and how they experimented for new cures. I loved reading about Trevor's passion and how he came to realize what his life's work was going to be. I loved the special, yet abnormal relationship that he shared with Kate. I loved Kate's character. She was so easy to relate to. A spitfire of a woman who isn't one to be walked on; that's Kate. I loved watching the relationship between Trevor and Kate grow, struggle, and blossom.

Elizabeth Camden has always been one of my favorite author's, mainly because she creates such vivid characters and original plots. I would recommend any and all of her books to historical fiction lovers, take it from someone who has read every single one of them. I have noticed that a lot of author's that are put under deadline related pressure tend to lower the quality of their writing in order to push out 2+ books a year, but not Camden. She has been as reliable as sunrise (unless you live in Alaska). Please take the time to read this book! You won't be sorry!


D I S C L A I M E R: I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book by Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my honest opinion and that is just what I have given. I was not further compensated to review this product and all thoughts/sentiments expressed above are completely my own and unbiased.


  1. I love Camden's books too! My favorite that I have read would definitely be Into the Whirlwind, as it is one of my favorite books e-v-e-r. I can't wait to read this one! I'm not usually one to judge a book by it's cover, but this one is breathtaking!

    1. Into The Whirlwind WAS good, but my favorite would have to be The Rose of Winslow street. Have you read it?

  2. Yay! Glad this one gets your vote. Looking forward to reading it once a copy from BH arrives. :)

  3. Thank you for this review. I have several of Camden's book on my Kindle, but have yet to read them. You have given me the incentive to take the plunge and try one of her books.

  4. I'm so glad you have decided to give her books a shot. I hope that you enjoy them as much as I do!


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