
Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel & Jane Vogel Book Review

Review Written by Madilyn
Book Title: The Case for Christ
Author(s): Lee Strobel & Jane Vogel
Source/Sponsor: BookLook
Number of Pages: 128
ISBN: 978-0-310-74564-8
Publisher: Zondervan
Year of Publication: 2001
Book Description
In The Case for Christ and The Case for Faith student editions, Lee Strobel unfolds the compelling evidence that turned him from an atheist to a Christian. This leader s guide gives youth leaders and volunteers everything they need to take their youth group or Sunday school class through both books. Five riveting sessions per book (ten sessions total) will equip teens with persuasive reasons for their faith in Christ.

Here s what groups can expect: Session 1 dramatically illustrates the importance of knowing the facts about Christianity. Sessions 2, 3 and 4 consider the important objections people raise to Christianity, and respond with an in-depth look at the evidence for belief in Jesus and the Christian faith. Session 5 takes groups from learning to application as they draw on what they ve learned in an actual evangelistic scenario. Leaders will also find a skit suitable for publicizing The Case for Christ sessions in church to both teens and parents.

These powerful studies will boost the faith of teens, and their confidence to share it, to a whole new level.
Book Review
 I love Lee Strobel. I have now read all of his books, and I recommend them all. His books are always very educational and quite convincing. He leaves no stone unturned on the subject at hand and leaves you with no questions unanswered. My favorite thing about "The Case for Christ" was how inquisitive the author was during his studies. Let me tell you something, this guy doesn't come to a  conclusion just to satisfy what he thought he already knew. He asks the HARD questions, and sometimes gets answers that he doesn't like. He comes at this "Case for Christ" with an open mind and an unhindered perspective. He pushes for both sides to show all their facts and he double checks the accuracy of said facts before accepting them. This guy is crazy smart and I'm pretty sure that he could do anything he set his mind to. This book is a must have for Christians looking to deepen their faith AND for those who aren't so sure about this whole Jesus thing and want some answers connected to solid facts and reason. I really enjoyed reading yet another amazing book by Lee Strobel, and I hope to read more from him in the future.
D I S C L A I M E R: I was provided with a free copy of this book by BookLook in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not further compensated to review this product and all thoughts/sentiments expressed above are completely my own and unbiased.

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