
Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Case for the Real Jesus By Lee Strobel & Jane Vogel Book Review

Review Written by Madilyn
Book Title: The Case for the Real Jesus
Author: Lee Strobel & Jane Vogel
Source/Sponsor: BookLook
Number of Pages: 208
ISBN: 978-0-8007-2043-8
Publisher: Revell
Year of Publication: 2008
Book Description
Students today are bombarded with opinions and research about Jesus that goes against everything you've been trying to teach them. They don't know if they can trust what the Bible says about Jesus because they don't know they can trust the Bible. They wonder if he really rose from the dead, or if he was even God. Let Lee Strobel's investigations into the real Jesus help your students see the truth about the Son of God.
Book Review
 This. Book. Is. AMAZING. I mean, Lee Strobel is the author, so I knew it was gonna be good, but seriously. It's  REALLY GOOD. I know that whenever I pick up one of Strobel's titles  that I'm in for a good, educational read, and that's why I rave about him all the time. He's consistent. I have yet to read one of his books that I did not absolutely love (and I have read all of them). He has a way of digging to the bottom of a problem to find the best and most accurate answer available. He doesn't cut corners. He doesn't lean toward one side or another when investigating a new subject, so you know that you are getting an unbiased opinion, an opinion that was formed on facts and reason. I think that's another reason why this author is so appealing. In so many ways God requires us to just have faith and know that He is God and trust that he has everything under control and know that He doesn't owe us answers. And I get that. We're only human, after all. We have a limited view of things, but God, HIS perspective is infinite. But He gives us more to go on than you think. If you have any doubts as to the origin of biblical principles, I beg you, read one of Lee Strobel's books. I STRONGLY recommend "The Case for a Creator", which is by far my favorite book of his. I hope that you will pick up something by this author next time you are at the bookstore. You can't go wrong with any of them, and I promise you won't regret it.
D I S C L A I M E R: I was provided with a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not further compensated to review this product and all thoughts/sentiments expressed above are completely my own and unbiased.

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